Elevate the Role of CMOs: A Strategic Imperative for Business Leadership

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Elevate the Role of CMOs: A Strategic Imperative for Business Leadership

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Elevate the Role of CMOs: A Strategic Imperative for Business Leadership

At a time when market trends fluctuate at unprecedented velocity, chief marketing officers (CMOs) are often the unsung heroes behind a brand’s success. The CMO role is a relatively recent addition to the C-suite and has experienced significant instability and short tenures, often being the most frequently fired or replaced executive position.

Despite its challenges, the role is critical, encompassing a broad range of functions and requiring a unique blend of creative and analytical skills. For CMOs to succeed, they must navigate complex responsibilities, align with company goals, and ensure they are the right fit for their organization.

Similarly, CEOs and companies must understand and support the CMO’s role, aligning expectations with the realities of the market and internal capabilities. According to a recent McKinsey & Company article published in October 2023, The Power of Partnership, a robust CEO-CMO partnership is essential for driving significant company growth, especially in today’s challenging economy. Their research suggests that CEOs who closely integrate marketing strategies into their overall growth plans tend to achieve double the growth rate of their less aligned peers. The authors advocate for a clear delineation of marketing roles at the C-level, a firm belief in modern marketing techniques, and a focus on metrics that directly correlate with business success to strengthen this partnership and capitalize on marketing’s full potential for driving growth.

Understanding the Challenge

The tenure of CMOs is notoriously brief, with many serving less than three years in their positions.1 This volatility reflects a misalignment between CEO expectations and the strategic value CMOs bring to the table. The root causes? Marketing’s potential to drive growth is often underestimated, particularly by business leaders who don’t always fully understand its technical complexities and wide-ranging capabilities. There is a noticeable gap between CEOs and CMOs in terms of their mastery of modern marketing strategies, with CEOs often favoring short-term lead generation over long-term and sustainable strategies, prioritizing immediate financial constraints instead of investing in marketing to drive growth, and focusing on product development rather than emphasizing customer experience, largely due to most CEOs’ lack of marketing experience. With the rapid expansion of marketing tools and the need for specialized skills, CEOs risk not keeping pace with change, resulting in a mismatch between the perceived value of marketing and its actual impact on business growth.

Redefining Marketing Leadership

For CMOs, the path forward is clear: Step into your power as strategic leaders. This means challenging entrenched perceptions, advocating for your vision with data-backed insights, and having the courage to push back when necessary. As strategic partners, CMOs can spearhead initiatives that resonate with the company’s broader goals, ensuring that marketing is not just an afterthought but a driving force.

Embracing True Leadership

It’s time for CMOs to shed the misnomer of “minion” and step into their leadership potential. By doing so, they can amplify the effectiveness of marketing strategies, contribute more meaningfully to their company’s success, and cultivate an environment where collaboration thrives.

The Need for Decisive Action

Agility is not just a buzzword; it’s a business imperative. CMOs should be entrusted with the authority to make rapid decisions that capitalize on their expertise. By moving from reactive task-doers to proactive strategists, they can foster a culture of innovation and responsiveness that keeps pace with market shifts.

CMO Actions

For CMOs determined to redefine their role as strategic leaders, the path forward involves five decisive actions that will solidify their position and influence within the company. These steps are essential for elevating the role of marketing and ensuring it is recognized as a pivotal element in shaping business success:

Ensure the goals and objectives for marketing are clearly understood and documented, and continuously reinforce marketing’s contribution toward the business’ success.

Work closely with CEOs and other executives to ensure that marketing initiatives are interwoven with the company’s broader goals, positioning marketing as a central rather than peripheral driver of business.

Have the fortitude to advocate for necessary resources and defend strategic choices, even when they go against the grain.Clearly define your areas of influence, and advocate for your ability to own that sandbox.

Employ data-driven arguments to support innovative marketing strategies that align with the company’s overarching objectives.

Address and overturn outdated notions of marketing as a secondary function by demonstrating its integral role in business strategy.

CEO Actions

As CMOs embark on these transformative steps, it is equally vital for CEOs to play their part in this evolution. The following actions by CEOs are crucial for reinforcing the strategic position of CMOs and ensuring that marketing is acknowledged as a critical driver in the company’s trajectory:

CEOs should ensure that CMOs are involved in key strategic discussions and decisions, recognizing their insights as essential to shaping the company’s direction.

Clear and attainable goals should be established, allowing CMOs to direct their efforts toward impactful outcomes that resonate with the CEO’s vision for the company.

CEOs must cultivate an environment where taking calculated risks is encouraged, allowing CMOs to pursue innovative approaches that could lead to market breakthroughs.

Rather than imposing marketing strategies based on external influences or personal ideas, CEOs should learn to trust their CMOs to lead marketing efforts. They should encourage them to exercise their professional judgment and implement strategies aligned with the company’s vision and market position. In this way, CMOs will gain a greater ability to achieve their marketing objectives.

For CMOs to ascend from perceived subordinates to strategic linchpins, self-perception and organizational dynamics must change. CEOs and CMOs must champion this evolution, recognizing that strong marketing leadership is not only beneficial but essential for sustained growth and innovation.

The CEO-CMO relationship should be the most impactful in the success of the organization. To improve the outcomes and extend the tenure of CMOs, CEOs need to ensure that the CMO role and marketing function are well defined and appropriately resourced. They need to clarify the CMO’s expected results, understand the type of CMO needed based on the company’s priorities, and define clear milestones and success metrics. CEOs must resist the temptation to seek the “best athlete” and instead look for the best fit for the organization’s specific requirements.

With the cost required to hire a top-tier marketing team, CEOs need to provide the freedom for these individuals to demonstrate the tremendous impacts they can have on the organization, allowing the CMO to run their show but being available to support and collaborate when needed.


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1. “CMO Impact Study,” Kimberly A. Whitler, cited in Harvard Business Review