Build a Data Integration Strategy

Integrate your data or disintegrate your business.

Build a Data Integration Strategy

Member Challenge

  • As organizations process more information at faster rates, there is increased pressure for faster and more efficient data integration.
  • Data integration has become critical for downstream functions of data management and for business operations to be successful. Misaligned integration patterns restrict the value of data.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

Every IT project requires data integration: Any significant change in the application or database ecosystem requires you to address a data integration problem.

Impact and Result

  • Create a data-centric integration solution that supports the flow of data through the organization and meets the organization’s requirements for data accuracy, relevance, availability, and timeliness.
  • Build your data-centric integration practice with a firm foundation in governance and reference architecture and the appropriate technology and resources to ensure that the process is scalable and sustainable.
  • The business’ uses of data are constantly evolving, and as a result, the integration processes that ensure data availability must be periodically reviewed and repositioned to continue to align with the business.

Research & Tools

Name Actions

1. Data Integration Requirements Gathering Tool – Use this tool to identify and track requirements for data integration.

Use this tool to identify and track stakeholder involvement, elicitation techniques, and scheduling, as well as tracking categorization and prioritization of data integration requirement.

Name Actions
Data Integration Requirements Gathering Tool

2. Data Integration Trend Presentation – A tool to help you to understand many new IT technologies.

This tool will help you:

1. Bring IT professionals up to date with the technology landscape.

2. Know the possibilities and practical applications of the technologies.
Name Actions
Data Integration Trends Presentation

3. Data Integration PoC Template – This tool provides the reader with information on the proof of concept (POC).

This tool provides the reader with information on the POC as follows:

  • Business Objective and Requirements
  • POC Environment
  • Test Approach and Success Criteria
  • Results
Name Actions
Data Integration PoC Template

4. Build a Data Integration Strategy Deck – A clear blueprint that provides a step-by-step approach to aid in the development of your integration.

This blueprint will help you understand what data integration is, and how it fits into your organization.

Name Actions
Build a Data Integration Strategy – Phases 1-3

5. Data Integration Mapping Tool – This tool can be used to document the mappings and allow them to be stored in a content or knowledge management system.

This tool should be used by a business systems analyst or integration specialist as input to detailed design. This tool can also be used by an integration specialist or application developer for hand coding a data map if the integration tool being used does not offer a visual mapping capability or the mapping is too complex to put into a visual tool.

Name Actions
Data Integration Mapping Tool

6. Data Integration Pattern Selection Tool – This tool will support your organization in identifying the integration pattern that should be used for each identified integration scenario.

Each evaluated scenario will be evaluated based on its fit against the ETL, Data Virtualization, Data Federation, Data Replication, and Near Real Time integration patterns.

Name Actions
Data Integration Pattern Selection Tool


best: to have a clear path to our Data Roadmap

ESSILOR MEXICO SA de CV viaPublication

The engagement hasn't been completed yet. We just had one introductory meeting

Loenbro, LLC viaPublication

Very knowledgeable advice. Though we didn't get into a specific solution, he was right in directing us away from a solution until we better understand the problem and ideate potential solutions with maximum long term value

Loenbro, LLC viaPublication