Design an Impactful Employee Development Program

Solve the puzzle of employee development by designing a program to build competencies the organization needs today and in the future.

Design an Impactful Employee Development Program

Member Challenge

  • Leaders have left employees to drive their own development without providing direction or support, and without aligning development to organizational needs.
  • Organizations position development as employee-owned, yet employees still feel like their needs aren’t being met, and many leave as a result.
  • Organizations often have a lot of development opportunities, but don’t connect the right opportunity to the right employee.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • Development needs to be employee-owned and manager-supported, but also organization-informed to ensure that it meets the organization’s needs.
  • Today, operating environments change quickly and organizations need to develop the competencies employees need both today and in the future.

Impact and Result

  • Design an employee development program that builds the competencies the organization needs both today and in the future.
  • Connect the right development opportunity to the right employee through an effective development planning process.
  • Equip managers and build program support to foster continuous learning and development.

Research & Tools

Name Actions

1. Assess organizational needs

Analyze organizational needs to determine priority competencies and employee segments to develop.

Name Actions
Design an Impactful Employee Development Program Storyboard
Design an Impactful Employee Development Program Executive Briefing
Employee Development Needs Analysis Workbook

2. Design the employee development program

Determine the employee assessment method and design a custom development planning process with clear manager and employee accountabilities.

Name Actions
Employee Development Program Design Playbook
Learning Methods Catalog
Process Mapping Guide
Individual Competency Development Plan Template
Employee Career Development Workbook
Manager Career Conversation Guide

3. Build program support

Integrate employee development with other HR programs, identify manager and employee resources, and create the action and communication plan.

Name Actions
IT Manager Job Aid: Employee Development
IT Employee Job Aid: Employee Development
HR Action and Communication Plan
HR Metrics Library