Rationalize Your Application Portfolio
Establish an evergreen application portfolio management (APM) program to deliver the best possible return on investment.
Member Challenge
When organizations consider application oversight a low priority and app portfolio knowledge is poor:
- No dedicated or centralized effort to manage the app portfolio means no single source of truth is available to support informed decision-making.
- Organizations acquire more applications over time, creating redundancy, waste, and the need for additional support.
- Organizations are more vulnerable to changing markets. Flexibility and growth are compromised when applications are unadaptable or cannot scale.
Our Advice
Critical Insight
- You cannot outsource application strategy.
- Modern software options have lessened the need for organizations to have robust in-house application management capabilities. But your applications’ future and governance of the portfolio still require centralized oversight to ensure the best overall return on investment.
- Application portfolio management is the mechanism to ensure that the applications in your enterprise are delivering value and support for your value streams and business capabilities. Understanding value, satisfaction, technical health, and total cost of ownership are critical to digital transformation, modernization, and roadmaps.
Impact and Result
Build an APM program that is ready for action and fit for size:
- Understand your current state, needs, and goals for your application portfolio management.
- Create an application and platform inventory that is built for better decision making.
- Rationalize your apps with business priorities and communicate risk in operational terms.
- Create a roadmap that improves communication between those who own, manage, and support your applications.
Research & Tools
Name | Actions |
1. Rationalize Your Application Portfolio Deck – A guide that helps you establish your core application inventory, simplified rationalization, redundancy comparison, and modernization roadmap.
Enterprises have more applications than they need and rarely apply oversight to monitor the health, cost, and relative value of applications to ensure efficiency and minimal risk. This blueprint will help you build a streamlined application portfolio management process.
Name | Actions |
Rationalize Your Application Portfolio – Phases 1-4
2. Application Portfolio Management Diagnostic Tool – A tool that assesses your current application portfolio.
Visibility into your application portfolio and APM practices will help inform and guide your next steps.
Name | Actions |
Application Portfolio Management Diagnostic Tool
3. Rationalize Your Application Portfolio Playbook – A template that builds your application portfolio management playbook.
Capture your APM roles and responsibilities and build a repeatable process.
Name | Actions |
Rationalize Your Application Portfolio Playbook
4. Rationalize Your Application Portfolio Tool – A tool that stores application information and allows you to execute rationalization and build a portfolio roadmap.
This tool is the central hub for the activities within Rationalize Your Application Portfolio.
Name | Actions |
Rationalize Your Application Portfolio Tool
5. Application TCO Calculator – A tool to help you calculate TCO for applications in your portfolio.
Use this tool to compile the various costs of your applications.
Name | Actions |
Application TCO Calculator
Onsite Workshop: Rationalize Your Application Portfolio
Onsite workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.
Do-It-Yourself Implementation
The slides in this Best Practice Blueprint will walk you step-by-step through every phase of your project with supporting tools and templates ready for you to use.
Project Accelerator Workshop
You can also use this Best Practice Blueprint to facilitate your own project accelerator workshop within your organization using the workshop slides and facilitation instructions provided in the Appendix.
Module 1: Lay Your Foundations
The Purpose
- Work with key corporate stakeholders to come to a shared understanding of the benefits and aspects of application portfolio management.
Key Benefits Achieved
- Establish the goals of APM.
- Set the scope of APM responsibilities.
- Establish business priorities for the application portfolio.
Activities | Outputs |
1.1 Assess your current application portfolio |
1.2 Determine narrative |
1.3 Define goals and metrics |
1.4 Define application categories |
1.5 Determine steps and roles |
Module 2: Improve Your Inventory
The Purpose
- Gather information on your applications to build a detailed inventory and identify areas of redundancy.
Key Benefits Achieved
- Populated inventory based on your and your team’s current knowledge.
- Understanding of outstanding data and a plan to collect it.
Activities | Outputs |
2.1 Populate inventory |
2.2 Assign to business capabilities |
Module 3: Rationalize Your Applications
The Purpose
Work with the application subject matter experts to collect and compile data points and determine the appropriate disposition for your apps.
Key Benefits Achieved
- Dispositions for individual applications
- Application rationalization framework
Activities | Outputs |
3.1 Assess business value |
3.2 Assess technical health |
3.3 Assess end-user perspective |
3.4 Assess total cost of ownership |
Module 4: Populate Your Roadmap
The Purpose
- Work with application delivery specialists to determine the strategic plans for your apps and place these in your portfolio roadmap.
Key Benefits Achieved
- Prioritized initiatives
- Initial application portfolio roadmap
- Ongoing structure of APM
Activities | Outputs |
4.1 Review APM Snapshot results |
4.2 Review Rationalization results |
4.3 Determine dispositions |
4.4 Assess redundancies (optional) |
4.5 Determine dispositions for redundant applications (optional) |
4.6 Prioritize initiatives |
4.7 Determine ongoing cadence |