Applications Priorities 2023
Five initiatives that help applications leaders strengthen their application portfolio.
Member Challenge
- Economic, social, and regulatory conditions have changed livelihoods, businesses, and marketplaces. Modern tools and technologies have acted as lifelines by minimizing operating and delivery costs, and in the process, establishing a strong foundation for growth and maturity.
- These tools and technologies must meet the top business goals of CXOs: ensure service continuity, improve customer experience, and make data-driven decisions.
- While today’s business applications are good and well received, there is still room for improvement. The average business application satisfaction score among IT leadership was 72% (n=1582, CIO Business Vision).
Our Advice
Critical Insight
- Applications are critical components in any business strategic plan. They can directly influence an organization’s internal and external brand and reputation, such as their uniqueness, competitiveness and innovativeness in the industry
- Business leaders are continuously looking for innovative ways to better position their application portfolio to satisfy their goals and objectives, i.e., application priorities. Given the scope and costs often involved, these priorities must be carefully crafted to clearly state achievable business outcomes that satisfies the different needs very different customers, stakeholders, and users.
- Unfortunately, expectations on your applications team have increased while the gap between how stakeholders and applications teams perceive effectiveness remains wide. This points to a need to clarify the requirements to deliver valuable and quality applications and address the pressures challenging your teams.
Impact and Result
Learn and explore the technology and practice initiatives in this report to determine which initiatives should be prioritized in your application strategy and align to your business organizational objectives:
- Optimize the effectiveness of the IT organization.
- Boost the productivity of the enterprise.
- Enable business growth through technology.
Research & Tools
Name | Actions |
1. Applications Priorities Report 2023 – A report that introduces and describes five opportunities to prioritize in your 2023 application strategy.
In this report, we explore five priorities for emerging and leading-edge technologies and practices that can improve on capabilities needed to meet the ambitions of your organization.
Name | Actions |
Applications Priorities 2023 Report