Build a Strong Technology Foundation for Customer Experience Management

Design an end-to-end technology strategy to drive sales revenue, enhance marketing effectiveness, and create compelling experiences for your customers.

Build a Strong Technology Foundation for Customer Experience Management

Member Challenge

  • Technology is a fundamental enabler of an organization’s customer experience management (CXM) strategy. However, many IT departments fail to take a systematic approach when building a portfolio of applications for supporting marketing, sales, and customer service functions.
  • The result is a costly, ineffective, and piecemeal approach to CXM application deployment (including high-profile applications like CRM).

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • IT must work in lockstep with their counterparts in marketing, sales, and customer service to define a unified vision and strategic requirements for enabling a strong CXM program.
  • To deploy applications that specifically align with the needs of the organization’s customers, IT leaders must work with the business to define and understand customer personas and common interaction scenarios. CXM applications are mission critical and failing to link them to customer needs can have a detrimental effect on customer satisfaction and ultimately, revenue.
  • IT must act as a valued partner to the business in creating a portfolio of CXM applications that are cost effective.
  • Organizations should create a repeatable framework for CXM application deployment that addresses critical issues, including the integration ecosystem, customer data quality, dashboards and analytics, and end-user adoption.

Impact and Result

  • Establish strong application alignment to strategic requirements for CXM that is based on concrete customer personas.
  • Improve underlying business metrics across marketing, sales, and service, including customer acquisition, retention, and satisfaction metrics.
  • Better align IT with customer experience needs.

Research & Tools

Start here – read the Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should build a strong technology foundation for CXM, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

Name Actions
Build a Strong Technology Foundation for Customer Experience Management – Executive Brief
Build a Strong Technology Foundation for Customer Experience Management – Sample
Build a Strong Technology Foundation for Customer Experience Management – Phases 1-3

1. Drive value with CXM

Understand the benefits of a robust CXM strategy.

Name Actions
Build a Strong Technology Foundation for Customer Experience Management – Phase 1: Drive Value with CXM
CXM Strategy Stakeholder Presentation Template
CXM Strategy Project Charter Template

2. Create the framework

Identify drivers and objectives for CXM using a persona-driven approach and deploy the right applications to meet those objectives.

Name Actions
Build a Strong Technology Foundation for Customer Experience Management – Phase 2: Create the Framework
CXM Business Process Shortlisting Tool
CXM Portfolio Designer

3. Finalize the framework

Complete the initiatives roadmap for CXM.

Name Actions
Build a Strong Technology Foundation for Customer Experience Management – Phase 3: Finalize the Framework


I really appreciate the flexibility to tailor the workshop experience to achieve the best outcome for our participants. Tom has been very helpful in guiding us through the content and accommodate the schedule for attendees across the country.

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