Improve Win Rates With a Sales Enablement Strategy

Stagnating sales velocity may not be due to external market factors. Empower your sales team to drive higher win rates and boost revenues.

Thought Model: Improve Win Rates With a Sales Enablement Strategy

Member Challenge

  • Sales enablement lacks leadership or direction. Marketing and sales teams are reactive when delivering content to close leads or enhance cross/upselling. This disunity leads to wasted time for both teams and slows down (perhaps even loses) deals moving through the pipeline.
  • Revenue growth is negatively impacted on a number of fronts without mature sales enablement processes: wasted labor resourcing, poor sales velocity, and lost opportunities to be competitive with advanced marketing strategies.
  • The technology stack that marketing and sales teams use is unsecure, difficult to navigate, and does not capture key insights for content delivery success. IT is in continual firefighter mode for integrations, data quality review, and enabling cyber security.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

Sales enablement strategies empower organizations to drive sales velocity and boost revenues. Don’t be too quick to blame stagnating win rates on external market factors. Taking collective responsibility for past sales enablement failings is empowering. Solidarity between sales, marketing, and other core departments rallies toward future state success.

Impact and Result

Use SoftwareReviews’ three-phase methodology to build a right-sized sales enablement strategy:

  • Benchmark your current sales enablement maturity with a comprehensive diagnostic.
  • Discover and prioritize your high-value task lists for enhancing future sales enablement.
  • Secure buy-in and implement your initiatives roadmap for sales enablement.

The result: an actionable sales enablement strategy captured in our Executive Presentation template.

Research & Tools

Name Actions

1. Improve Win Rates with a Sales Enablement Strategy – Diagnose the maturity of your current sales enablement processes.

This blueprint provides a maturity assessment of your current sales enablement processes and, in turn, derives concrete initiatives toward building your sales enablement strategy.

Name Actions
Improve Win Rates with a Sales Enablement Strategy Storyboard

2. Sales Enablement Strategy Executive Presentation – Secure sales enablement initiatives buy-in from senior management with this boardroom-ready executive deck.

A boardroom-ready deck that captures the high-value initiatives to enhance the organization’s sales enablement processes.

Name Actions
Sales Enablement Strategy Executive Presentation

3. Sales Enablement Maturity Diagnostic – Align your team on where your current process maturity falls across six evaluative criteria.

Benchmark your current sales enablement process maturity, and derive concrete initiatives for improvement.

Name Actions
Sales Enablement Maturity Diagnostic