Redesign Your Website to Increase Business Value

Plan and execute a successful website redesign.

Thought Model: Redesign Your Website to Increase Business Value

Member Challenge

Digital marketers who work on old and outdated websites experience the following:

  • Low conversions, MQLs, and SQLs
  • Low engagement on the website
  • Lack of investment in website a/b testing and optimization
  • Poor design and website experience compared to the competition

Our Advice

Critical Insight

Digital marketing leaders must focus on identifying the sweet spot where the needs of the business and buyer align in the planning stage of a website redesign. This ensures that disjointed needs are identified, lack of resources is accounted for, and high-impact needs are prioritized. Alignment ensures the redesign will increase marketing-influenced wins, brand image, and competitive differentiation.

Impact and Result

Using the SoftwareReviews methodology leading digital marketers will be able to:

  • Discover, align, and prioritize stakeholder needs for the redesign.
  • Identify areas of competitive differentiation that should be highlighted in the buyer journey and messaging.
  • Optimize marketing-influenced wins, brand image, and competitive differentiation with the website redesign.

Research & Tools

Name Actions

1. Redesign Your Website to Increase Business Value Storyboard – This blueprint helps digital marketers to plan and execute a successful website redesign.

Our research helps marketers focus the website redesign on the sweet spot where business and customer needs align, and helps to mitigate inherent risks to resources, timeline, and budget.

Name Actions
Redesign Your Website to Increase Business Value Storyboard

2. Business and Buyer Alignment Worksheet – This workbook is designed to help companies align their business needs with the needs of their customers.

Alignment of stakeholders' goals and needs leads to greater success in a website redesign.

Name Actions
Business and Buyer Alignment Worksheet

3. Website Content Audit Worksheet – Execute a content audit of your website and plan for the content update.

This tool provides marketers with a way to conduct a content audit of their website and then plan for website redesign content updates.

Name Actions
Website Content Audit Worksheet

4. Website Diagnostic Tool – Provides a quick and accurate website diagnostic.

The results from this diagnostic will help you understand if a website redesign is necessary.

Name Actions
Website Diagnostic Tool

5. Website Redesign Budget Tool – An aid to help digital marketing leaders budget for a website redesign.

This workbook is designed to help digital marketing leaders budget for a website redesign.

Name Actions
Website Redesign Budget Tool

6. Website Redesign Project Plan Tool – Achieve success in your website redesign.

This workbook is designed to help companies create a project plan for their website redesign after the alignment of stakeholders goals and needs. This tool helps digital marketing leaders achieve success in their website redesign.

Name Actions
Website Redesign Project Plan Tool

7. Website Redesign Executive Presentation Template – Use this to gain approval for the website redesign.

This template is intended to serve as a guide for communicating the elements of the website redesign with your organization and, specifically, the stakeholders. The presentation will be used to gain approval for the website redesign.

Name Actions
Website Redesign Executive Presentation Template